Pinefield Garden Club
Inaugurated in 1960 --- Federated in 1961
The object of our club is to stimulate interest in horticulture and to expand our knowledge of gardening for the benefit of our community.

Garden of Hope located behind the Metrowest Cancer Center.
About us
Pinefield Garden Club members come from Framingham, Natick, Ashland, Marlborough, Sudbury and surrounding towns in Massachusetts. We come from different walks of life and gardening brings us together. We are an active club and encourage our members to get involved in our monthly programs. We gather for educational, community and social activities throughout the year. Our activities include:
Monthly meetings held from September to June (except February). We meet the second Wednesday of the month from 7.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. at St. Andrews Church,
3 Maple Street, Framingham. MA.
See Programs and Check out our Programs for 2022-2023.
Hold workshops like Painting bird houses, holiday decorating with boxwoods.
Take care of three community gardens which include
the garden in front of the Village Hall at the Framingham History Center,
maintenance of the Garden of Hope located behind the Metrowest Cancer Center and
Simpson Park, off Central, Fenwick and Haynes Streets and more.
hold an Annual Plant Sale,
visit with and entertain residents in a local nursing home,
donate to charities,
assist other Garden Clubs in the decorating of Longfellow's Wayside Inn for the holidays
and meet socially for fun activities.
Guests are always welcome at our monthly programs at St Andrews Episcopal Church in Framingham or email us for more information. email: pinefieldgardenclub@gmail.com

A section of the garden at Village Hall at the Framingham Cancer Center.
Member of
“Start with a Seed”
Federation Office
400 Fifth Avenue, Suite 110, Waltham, MA 02451
Email: gardenclubfedma@gmail.com
Phone: 781-237-0336
President: Bonnie Rosenthall
Email: bonnie.rosenthall@gmail.com
“Plant Massachusetts with Native Shrubs and Trees”
Central South District
Director: Karen Ballou
Email: msp2685@charter.net
District: Central South: http://gcfm.org/Clubs/Central
New England Gardenclubfedma@gmail.com
Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts: http://gcfm.org
The National Garden Clubs, Inc. "Plant America":
Member of:
The Nature Conservancy: http://www.nature.org
Sudbury Valley Trustees: www.sudburyvalleytrustees.org
New England Wildflower Society:
Massachusetts Horticultural Society: https://www.masshort.org
The Native Plant Trust (formerly New England
Wild Flower Society)
Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts: gcfm.org
The National Garden Clubs, Inc.: www.gardenclub.org
“The World Around Us – Love It – Beautify It – Protect It”