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Programs and Activities


Meeting Information

Place: St Andrews Episcopal Church

Location: 3 Francis Street, Framingham, MA


March 13th, 2024

Join the Pinefield Garden Club meeting on Wednesday, March 13th at 7.30 p.m. (refreshments from 7.00 p.m.) to learn the basics on invasive species, weeds, and plant choices for the shade garden with our own Judy Artley.  Discover how you may help the environment while adding interest and beauty with native plants and minimizing non-native plants.  Judy’s garden is a mix of hosta (a non-native known for its beautiful and varied foliage) and New England native plants.  She has managed invasive species in her garden with varying success, and she will share some of her triumphs and mistakes.

For more information contact



April 10th, 2024

Gardening Ergonomics.

Speaker: Nancy Brais 

Massachusetts Master Gardeners Association (MGA)


May 8th, 2024 

Plant Swap.  Members only


May, DTB, 2024

Plant Sale

Sun, Shade, Flowers, perennial and annual, Shrubs and Trees, Groundcover, Herbs, Native Plants,etc.

September 2023 through May 2024

September 13th 

Potluck Dinner


October 11th, 2023

How homeowners can manage invasive weeds

Speaker: Jennifer Forman-Orth 

(Member of Framingham Conservation Commission, 

MA Department of Agricultural Resources)


November 8th, 2023

Card making with dried flowers

Flowers collected and dried by members


December 13th, 2023

Starting Seeds in Winter (in Milk Jugs)

Hands on Activity

February 14th, 2024



Wayside Inn:

Visit in December or early January to see the Inn decorated for the holidays by area garden clubs. The committee always does a wonderful job.


Fund Raising: 

Sat. May 8th Plant Sale on the Framingham Commons.  This sale funds all of our club’s activities for the year.  The perennials come from the gardens of our members.  Members pot and labeling perennials in the fall or spring. 


Helping Our Community:

Once a year, our club collects and donates boxes of cereal to the Pearl Street Cupboard & Café at Park, a local food pantry. Also, Hoops and Homework receives a yearly donation from our club, in memory of Jean Bartley. A “Memorial Garden” project underway at Simpson Park will honor late member Maggie Kelber with the donations received in her memory.  The Park also honors the memories of the members we have lost over the years.

Projects for the year

Village Hall

 Work continues at the Village Hall, our civic development project at the Framingham History Center.  Constructed in 1834 on the Commons, the Hall has perennials donated by members and planted in the spring of 2011. Our members provide the upkeep and planting of the all-season beds enjoyed by the many visitors to the Hall.

Simpson Park

In 2013-2014, we added the maintenance of Simpson Park, off Central, Fenwick and Haynes Streets, a projecbegun by Simpson Park Garden Club in 1969.  In 1996, an adjacent area known as the Shortiss Memorial site was added.  Seasonal weeding, pruning, mulching, planting and fall bulb planting will be continued by the Civic Development Committee and interested members.  Please see a more detailed description of this project in the rear of the yearbook.

Garden of Hope

Through garden founder Betty Jost, we are honored to continue with the fall and spring upkeep and cleaning of The Garden of Hope at the Metrowest (Framingham) Hospital.  Betty and her late husband started the perennial and shade garden in 1989, in memory of their son, who died of cancer.  The garden is so appreciated and is a beautiful place to enjoy spring ephemerals, hostas, flowering shrubs and perennials throughout the year.

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